The issue price for the set in 1893 was $16.34 in today's dollars the total face tops $300.00. The Columbian Exposition commemoratives keep the fair alive for a small population of stamp collectors. Over the next seven months, twenty-seven million visitors attended the fair. The World's Columbian Exposition, also known as 'The White City,' opened on Chicago's lakefront on May 1, 1893.

On December 24, 1890, President Benjamin Harrison announced, "In the name of the Government and of the people of the United States, I do hereby invite all the nations of the earth to take part in the commemoration of an event that is pre-eminent in human history, and of lasting interest to mankind." Within months of the announcement, the title 'World's Fair' was changed to the 'World's Columbian Exposition', embracing the decade-old idea to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Columbus's first voyage to the Americas. Interest in the result, such as is rarely seen in Presidential elections, was apparent all day." They would have realized then how much more Chicago desired the fair, and perhaps obtained some idea of how much the town needed it. The following day, the New York Times reported, "If the New-Yorkers who have been striving in a dignified businesslike way to secure the World's Fair could have been in Chicago to-night their natural regret.would have disappeared.

On February 24, 1890, Congress selected Chicago to host the fair.